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      Here you can discuss issues related to the website or forums.

    3. Club smart Car Events

      This forum is for announcing and discussing all Club smart Car events and get-togethers, rallies, group meetups and anything else similar! Please post the City and Province in your topic title.

    4. Introduce Yourself

      Come say Hi! Start your own thread, introduce yourself, post updates and pictures, check out the history of other members.

  2. General Discussions

    1. General Discussions

      Topics in this forum should be of general interest and directly related to the smart car community, but don't belong in one of our many specific forums elsewhere on the site. Please do NOT post topics in here about maintenance and operation, or parts, wheels and cars for sale, Those topics will be moved without notice. New and old members alike should post in the 'One-off Questions and Other Things Asked Often!' forum if just wanting to ask quick one-off types of questions, or to ask for help with something.

    2. One-off Questions and Other Things Asked Often!

      This forum is dedicated to answering quick questions from new members and old members alike. If you have no inclination to search for answers and more thorough explanations in another dedicated forum, then this is the place to post. Must be smart car related! Inappropriate content will be deleted without warning.

    3. Auto Talk

      This forum is for all discussions about non-smart automobiles - technical characteristics, marketing, opinions, new technology, your other cars and more!

    4. In News & Entertainment

      Press releases, articles, publication reviews, on television, as seen in the entertainment industry... What's being said about the smart car and by who? Find out.

    5. enviro-mileage

      Visit this forum to learn more about the smart car's fuel economy, emissions, and ecological impacts. Members can also share their mileage results and learn about ways of driving their smart efficiently. This is also a forum to discuss vehicle (and driver!) modifications related to improving fuel economy, and any instrumentation devices used to monitor fuel economy in realtime, such as the Scangauge.

    6. Canadian smart production numbers

      This forum is for discussion about the production and distribution of smart cars in Canada. We maintain lists of special edition smarts, often with the VIN # when possible. 

  3. Market Place

    1. Classifieds - Parts and Accessories

      This is the Buy & Sell forum for smart car parts and accessories including wheels and tires. Self-promotion of retail/commercial smart car parts and accessories is permitted here as of July 2024. You may also post you "Parts Wanted" topics here. Listings of smart cars for sale remain in their own dedicated forum.

    2. Classifieds - smart cars for sale

      This is the Buy & Sell forum for all smart cars being offered for sale. If you are looking for a car, your "wanted" topic can go in here too.

  4. Technical Discussions

    1. Operation and Maintenance: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    2. Operation and Maintenance: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and ending with the 2015 model year, gasoline engine only.

    3. Modifications and Performance: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      For Modification and Performance discussions specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    4. Modifications and Performance: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and and ending with the 2015 model year, gasoline engine only.

    5. How-To: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      How-To Technical Articles specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    6. How-To: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and ending with the 2015, gasoline engine only.

    7. Electric Drive

      A forum to discuss the smart Electric Drive and its technical aspects

    8. Fortwo 453 - 2016 and newer

      A forum for discussions surrounding the 453 model smart fortwo and its technical aspects

  • Recent Posts

    • My mother is 99 (turning 100 in May) and has had three hip replacements over the years. You'll be just fine. Best wishes.
    • The joys of getting old haha!   Best wishes for this new adventure!
    • What are you asking about...?   The STAR system or the EGR cleaning?   IF the EGR, gasoline was the best way to clean out the clogged EGR.....soaking it then using picks and small brushes makes the job go far easier. As for the STAR system, my STAR stopped programing key fobs after a while but the rest works as it should. One of the best investments you can do IF you intend on keeping a Smart Car for any length of time, IMHO.   Simply because no other system works as well, if at all on Smart Cars. The best way to get answers for anything is to ask specific questions so others can help. The more we interact the longer this site will stay active.
    • You are unlikely to get a response. The original poster hasn’t been on the forum in over ten years.    Nigel
    • Just to tell you folks why I have been so quiet lately, besides having another make of car to work on.   I have had serious pain in my right hip for about a year now. I've had it x-rayed, medicated and still it is there.....it's now that painful it is keeping me up at night.  I have bone on bone contact with bone spurs and holes in the joint. So....I am not someone who shy's away from cutting out parts that aren't up to working condition and fixing things. Same mentality as I deal with vehicles, fix things before they are incapable of being fixed.  So a few days ago I get the call to see a surgeon...great!    New X-Rays, and a full consultation on this problem.  I also do not agree with waiting months, years to get things fixed etc. I have watched many people die a slow death in pain waiting for help.  I'm someone who pushes hard to get things done.  I was surprised when they asked me if I could fit in the surgery next month!!!!   I said Yes sir....I'll be there. Yes I asked all the questions someone should ask.....how many have you done? How many bad outcomes? How long in hospital? What post op will I need to do? What typically goes wrong if it goes wrong? Why does it go wrong?  What do you see happening in my case?  Answers were.....over 600 joint operations last year alone!!!! He's had 1 bad outcome where he had to redo it due to infection....???? Could go home the same day if all goes well but suggests if I want to pay for a room spent the night. A private room is $369 a night, yes sir, seems like a good deal! He simply says to get out of bed, get a glass of water/juice, sit down and drink it, get up go to the bathroom then back to bed or comfortable chair. Do this 8 times a day and he'll be happy......don't over do it. The most typical problems are in very flexible people, mostly women(don't ask me why...lol) have dislocations of the joint because they can flex further than a rigid man similar to myself, so he see's no issues this way. Infection are the main issue, either deep or shallow. Shallow are easy to resolve but deep could be an issue. Again if you keep things clean and do as you are told it rarely happens. Same for any operation. He see's me as a solid framed individual but on the taller end of the scale requiring the longest join they have possibly. But other than that a perfect candidate for this operation and a very successful result.  The wife also asked me ....did I notice where he was educated...? I said no, too busy asking the other questions......lol. Harvard !!! All positive comments imho. The other good thing is I'm getting this done at one of the newest hospitals in the Toronto area. Some of the older hospitals near me aren't places I would want a tooth pulled let alone getting this done at! Filthy, crowded halls and rooms, crowds of people everywhere! So thankfully he works out of this hospital. This issue has stopped me from working on my cars seriously as it causes so much pain afterwards.  Hopefully this will fix this problem and allow me to continue the enjoyment of having the hobby of car ownership. If this works out as expected, it will be the first of many joint replacements as I have two knees and possibly the other hip too. One knee is basically the same but doesn't create the pain that this hip does but the other hip and knee are well on their way. Time will tell.  I'll keep you informed as things go on.....fingers crossed.
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