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  • Announcements

    • Awesys

      Welcome to the new Club smart Car!   07/17/2024

      If you are seeing this announcement you are now accessing the Club smart Car website on our new web host!   We have updated the forum software so that it is on the latest version and has security features such as HTTPS:// which is now the industry standard. We hope you will also notice faster performance.   If you notice anything not working correctly or if you have any questions, please comment in this thread:    This step is important for the continuity of this community. We are very grateful to those who have graciously run the website in the past, and we hope to keep Club smart Car going into the future.   Thank you, -Awesys
  1. Welcome

    1. Special Announcements

      Here you can read the latest announcements of special importance. This may include notice of changes to the clubsmartcar website or very special events in the smart community. You will also find our rules of conduct and other general information about the site. Only Mods can initiate posts in this forum. (If you have an announcement talk to your local mod and ask them to post it for you.)

    2. Site Feedback

      Here you can discuss issues related to the website or forums.

    3. Club smart Car Events

      This forum is for announcing and discussing all Club smart Car events and get-togethers, rallies, group meetups and anything else similar! Please post the City and Province in your topic title.

    4. Introduce Yourself

      Come say Hi! Start your own thread, introduce yourself, post updates and pictures, check out the history of other members.

  2. General Discussions

    1. General Discussions

      Topics in this forum should be of general interest and directly related to the smart car community, but don't belong in one of our many specific forums elsewhere on the site. Please do NOT post topics in here about maintenance and operation, or parts, wheels and cars for sale, Those topics will be moved without notice. New and old members alike should post in the 'One-off Questions and Other Things Asked Often!' forum if just wanting to ask quick one-off types of questions, or to ask for help with something.

    2. One-off Questions and Other Things Asked Often!

      This forum is dedicated to answering quick questions from new members and old members alike. If you have no inclination to search for answers and more thorough explanations in another dedicated forum, then this is the place to post. Must be smart car related! Inappropriate content will be deleted without warning.

    3. Auto Talk

      This forum is for all discussions about non-smart automobiles - technical characteristics, marketing, opinions, new technology, your other cars and more!

    4. In News & Entertainment

      Press releases, articles, publication reviews, on television, as seen in the entertainment industry... What's being said about the smart car and by who? Find out.

    5. enviro-mileage

      Visit this forum to learn more about the smart car's fuel economy, emissions, and ecological impacts. Members can also share their mileage results and learn about ways of driving their smart efficiently. This is also a forum to discuss vehicle (and driver!) modifications related to improving fuel economy, and any instrumentation devices used to monitor fuel economy in realtime, such as the Scangauge.

    6. Canadian smart production numbers

      This forum is for discussion about the production and distribution of smart cars in Canada. We maintain lists of special edition smarts, often with the VIN # when possible. 

  3. Market Place

    1. Classifieds - Parts and Accessories

      This is the Buy & Sell forum for smart car parts and accessories including wheels and tires. Self-promotion of retail/commercial smart car parts and accessories is permitted here as of July 2024. You may also post you "Parts Wanted" topics here. Listings of smart cars for sale remain in their own dedicated forum.

    2. Classifieds - smart cars for sale

      This is the Buy & Sell forum for all smart cars being offered for sale. If you are looking for a car, your "wanted" topic can go in here too.

  4. Technical Discussions

    1. Operation and Maintenance: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    2. Operation and Maintenance: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and ending with the 2015 model year, gasoline engine only.

    3. Modifications and Performance: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      For Modification and Performance discussions specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    4. Modifications and Performance: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and and ending with the 2015 model year, gasoline engine only.

    5. How-To: 450 Model, 2005-2006, diesel

      How-To Technical Articles specific to the 450 cdi (diesel) sold in Canada as 2005 and 2006 models.

    6. How-To: 451 Model, 2008-2015, gasoline

      For General Operation and Maintenance discussions specific to the 451 Model, sold in the US and Canada beginning with the 2008 model year and ending with the 2015, gasoline engine only.

    7. Electric Drive

      A forum to discuss the smart Electric Drive and its technical aspects

    8. Fortwo 453 - 2016 and newer

      A forum for discussions surrounding the 453 model smart fortwo and its technical aspects

  • Recent Posts

    • Check the shape of the area that the lifters sit in the rockers for distortion. I found they wear to their individual lifters over time which means if you install new lifters they may not rotate or sit in the rockers as they should. Especially if one has been damaged like it has here...?  Also check the top of that valve stem for damage???  It looks like it has a damaged edge..??  Might be just the oil shimmering to make it appear this way...??  I'd also be changing all 6 of these lifters just as a precaution. Did you take the engine out or do just the head removal? 
    • In all my experiences with Chinese turbos, they all spool significantly slower than the OEM turbo.   The max psi is dependent on your rpm and load. In my experiences, tightening the nut will allow the wastegate to stay shut longer allowing you to build boost faster, but then you run the risk of overboost. I'm not sure of the exact numbers, but overboost will set if you go over 18psi for 5secs. Once overboost is set, you will lose power and cannot rev past 3k - you can cycle the ignition to reset. Overboost doesn't always get a CEL.   Adjusting the wastegate on these Chinese turbos will not solve your slow spooling issue....the turbo lag will become more pronounce and you will constantly set overboost limp mode. On a flat road, it will allow you to be quicker, but then as soon as you hit a steep hill, or downshift to pass on the highway, you will go into limp mode when you need power the most.   My 2 cent.
    • "You carry the passport to your own happiness." Diane Von Furstenberg - fashion designer
    • Working on @YEGSmartie’s car. It has over 200k.   cylinder #3     hydraulic lifter snapped apart   i I don’t have any pics yet, but all higher mileage om660 seems to have burnt or worn intake valves. The seats are fine, but valves are sharp. The exhausts appear to be in perfect shape.
    • "Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." Rod McKuen - poet
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