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  2. SIGN UP 1) Bill 2) Liz & Glenn 3)Wild! 4) Larry & Gail 5) nodes2k 6) 7)
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  4. I am getting a new hip Feb 21 so won't be able drive maybe the next one...???
  5. MW-SMART.com in Germany is where I bought all my engine parts, good people but very busy
  6. Good day. So got a 09 gas smarty last year, knew it need some work…finally got to it, ring went on one of the pistons, ya a guy could re ring up but ideally I’d like to get a full rebuild kit since a guy is deep into now but man I am not finding it online. Seems most places I look out of stock, can get rings tho but still need gaskets and seals etc. Any help or advice greatly appreciated, thanks
  7. "We learn from history that we do not learn from history." Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - philosopher
  8. "A man is about as big as the things that make him angry." Winston Churchill
  9. Earlier
  10. Hi everyone I am located in Edmonton Alberta. I have two partial 2005 diesel cars available for parts or would sell each. They are both diesels. There are several parts already gone but the engines, transmissions, etc are complete. Body panels complete. If interested please contact with your needs. email is gcci@gcciedmonton.com
  11. "The wise don't need advice. Fools won't take it." Benjamin Franklin
  12. SIGN UP 1) Bill 2) Liz & Glenn 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
  13. "I was married by a judge. I should have sued for a jury." Groucho Marx
  14. Happy New Year !! ✨✨ I hope you are all well and working on your resolutions. I only have 2 left and then I can wrap up 2023 altogether. Let's kick this year off with a dinner outing, the first for 2025. Tuesday, March 04 is the date, with the usual 5:30 to 6:00 starting time. Tiger Jack's in London should be convenient for most everyone. https://www.tigerjacks.com/ We've been there in the past, knowing they offer good food at decent prices. As in the past, please confirm thru sign up, or message or phone Glenn or myself. This enables me to make a reservation to warn the restraint of our impending onslaught. Hope to see all the old faces along with any newbies that want to come. SIGN UP 1) Bill 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
  15. If the laptop won’t boot up, the HD has died. If it won’t connect via SDConnect, then the C4 MUX might be bricked, or it’s a configuration issue. Depending on the model of the computer, you can buy the HD that has the proper STAR software pre-installed from AliExpress. The seller may or may not walk you through getting it running. Make sure you buy a setup that’s compatible with C4 specifically. Good Luck. Iz
  16. "People who enjoy meetings should not be in charge of anything." Thomas Sowell - economist
  17. Welcome to the site.... A Star system is a pirated type thing...it can't see the internet as it will want to update and thus crash. IF this has happened I do not know what you can do besides buying a new system off the internet/ebay etc. Not sure what car you are using for the C4 version as most ask for the C3 version, but i could be wrong...???? I'm surprised the original owner didn't explain this to you about the STAR...? Oh well. Hopefully this isn't what happened? We have a few members who are computer wizards, sorry I am not....send a PM to a member called Stickman007 and ask if he knows what to do.....Good luck.
  18. Good day ,wondering if anyone could help/steer me in a direction. Have a MB Star C4 went to turn the computer on and it appears my hard drive went for a crap. Got this with a car a bought but with no Disc or manual. Anyone have an idea how to receive a replacement? Thank You
  19. "What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity." George Eliot - novelist
  20. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer." Harriet Tubman
  21. Wow! So many helpful thoughts and comments. Thanks so much guys!!! I'm very busy these days. I still haven't had time to do the testing and diagnosis from the list of things you've given me... Instead, the Fortwo is parked and I've pulled out my old trusty Jetta with the collectors plates. I will get back to you with a response as soon as I can. Thanks again.
  22. Check to see if the tube on the front RHS of the intake manifold has popped off or damaged. It’s for the MAP sensor. If it doesn’t see boost, it will limit power severely. There will be no CEL or codes when this happens. It can also leak some of the oil build up from inside the intake to the front of the engine. Iz
  23. As for the STAR machine, I can help guide u to setup your own, but it’s basically a clone setup from China, not exactly reputable. I primarily use my Autel Mk906 Pro. It is able to code smart car keys though I’ve been running into issues lately - not sure if the aliexpress fobs are bad, I can only code OEM fobs. I previously have been able to, but lately have not had any success with aliexpress ones.
  24. If the nozzles were OEM replacement, then no, not likely to affect the boost curve. With limp mode, boost is restricted and you will not get an accurate reading. Is the P1188 FC active? Or inactive? If it’s active, then it would be pretty conclusive that it is the root cause of the limp mode. I will be working on another smart this weekend. I can unplug my pump solenoid, will let u know if I get limp mode. i have seen where the wastegate was seized and as soon as the throttle is pressed, it goes straight to limp mode. Check to see if your wastegate is moving - if it is, then it is a start. Make sure the small tube/hose around the TIK is not ripped. If it is, then it acts like the wastegate is seized and you’ll go into limp mode the 1st time you hit the throttle. If you are able to rev past 3k, but lacks power severely, then check the small tube on the RHS front of the intake manifold, sometimes that tube pops off or rips and the MAP sensor doesn’t see boost and limits the power severely (basically no turbo). You won’t get a CEL with that. Also, just for kicks, monitor your rpm to make sure that it is limiting you to 3k. I worked on a smart car where the tach was reading wrong and the owner thought it was limp mode.
  25. Last year I starting running 4x rear rims all around on my 451 with 175's front and 195 rears. HUGE improvement on ride and handling. This year I will be running 195's on all 4 corners in the summer and 175's all around for next winter. Easier to find tires in those sizes too!
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