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Status Replies posted by stickman007

  1. Do you have any egr emulators to sell?

    1. stickman007


      Express post sent. Emailed you the tracking tag picture. Let me know how it goes once you receive it!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Do you have any egr emulators to sell?

    1. stickman007


      Sorry for the extended delay! I’m good now, pm me your address and etransfer to stickman007@gmail.com. I can send the emulator out tomorrow.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Do you have any egr emulators to sell?

    1. stickman007


      $115 including shipping in Canada. 1 year warranty.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Do you have any egr emulators to sell?

    1. stickman007


      I still make them. I’m away on family emergency till next week. If you don’t mind waiting, I can have one ready as soon as I get home.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

  6. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

    1. stickman007


      Sent, please etransfer to stickman007@gmail.com


      tracking is #PG649510270CA

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  7. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

    1. stickman007


      Sorry! I just got back from the post office and realized I forgot to send yours!

      it will be sent 1st thing after work. I will set an alarm just in case!

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

    1. stickman007


      Yes, was just about to post if you still want one. I will send one out for u this afternoon.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  9. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

    1. stickman007


      I will work on the batch this wkend. Etransfer after I send tracking info. They’re $115 including express post shipping. It includes a 1 year warranty. If it stops working or breaks, email or pm me.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  10. I am in need of an ECU emulator i was told you can make one. let me know my 2006 CDI passion is running really bad I tried cleaning it out but still getting codes. 

    1. stickman007


      I still make and sell them. Give me a few days to make another batch. Pm me your address and etransfer to stickman007@gmail.com. I will let u know when it’s dropped off at the post office with tracking #


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  11. Alberta owners.. cool. Thanks for the relay diagram. Can I run both low beam wires in and out on 1  4 pin relay? Like both on 1 pin input/ output. Twin wires. Or do I need 2 relays for lowbeam

    1. stickman007


      Ideally each circuit has its own relay as they’re all separated. I believe that potentially you’ll get codes if they share relays.


      Good luck!

  12. Stickman007....have you or can you do a double din facia for the 450 in the 3D printer? I'm put a JVC DBL DIN in my wife's car and there isn't much out there.


    1. stickman007


      Its on my list of things todo in the future, but I'll have to draft it on CAD which will require me to remove the radio and draw. It'll be fairly time consuming with trial and error. I will let you know when I have one, but it won't be soon. eBay is usually your best bet.

  13. Hello Stickman,

    Willys and the boys told me to ring you up on some STAR advice ie. where to get one....

    Any thoughts? I'm located in Victoria and see you're in Edmonton where I lived for 23 years. Go Oilers! :)

    1. stickman007


      I used to do STAR setup for members, but the last one I got screwed over really good by AliExpress. Kinda don’t want to take that risk anymore. There’s lots of info here on CsC and mhhauto.com. There used to be a lot of “hacking” and custom work to get it all working, but not anymore.

  14. I am looking at purchasing a 2006 smartie and would like to know where to get the ER valves done so it does not break down like my last one. I am in Elk POint AB so Edmonton or Lloydminster are the closest. thank you

    1. stickman007


      I'm in Edmonton, and can do your EGR valve...and other cdi Fortwo repairs. pm me for details.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. Does the hitch require the wheel spacers?

    1. stickman007


      nope...just had both of these lying around. I used the spacers for the front to get a bit more width (I think it looks better)

  16. Do you still have the intercooler at $100?  If so, what's the condition?  Any weak spots or repairs to it?





    1. stickman007


      Sorry Inno,


      Sold off most of my spare parts when I got rid of my 450. I still have wheel 15mm wheel spacers and Bil's Ultimate hitch.



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