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Everything posted by stickman007

  1. Our diesel engines do not have a throttle body.
  2. Here’s the info on how to clone using eeprom equipments. Not expensive. https://blog.uobdii.com/vvdi-prog-tutotials-clone-smart-450-sam-motorola-9s12dg256-2k79x/ Evilution I believe has some info on swapping the chips. Good luck!
  3. If you send your old SAM to me, I can fix the fuel pump section of the circuit. But I’m not sure if it’ll still be plug and play as other modules may detect that it is different than your current SAM.
  4. If you wish to clone the SAM, you’ll need EEPROM chip reader and softwares to go with it. Or, with some desolderinf/soldering skills, you can just swap the EEPROM chip on the PCB. MBSTAR can do it the dealership way, but unless the SAM is “virginized,” you’ll have issues.
  5. Here's a more detail itinerary - subject to change. Please message or txt me if you have suggestions or is offended somehow. You WILL need a park pass to get anywhere passed Canmore and into Jasper. They are just over $20/car per day. Eating out is extremely expensive nowadays, if there's interests, we could probably do a picnic somewhere instead or just opt out eating the restaurants is also good. Miette Hot Springs have also raised their prices! Its more than double than what it was before - its $16.50+tax/person! Day 1 (Jun 16th) Friday: 6pm - The Drake, Canmore, for dinner meet and greet. We can decide where to hang out after dinner. Maybe go for a Beaver Tail, ice cream or coffee? Day 2 (Jun 17th) Saturday: 8am - Chez Francois Restaurant, Canmore for breakfast. 9:30am - Fill up and meet up for those having breakfast else where. From Canmore to Jasper is 309km + sign seeing - Sask Crossing may not have diesel and they're crazy expensive to fill up there anyways. Heading up to Saskatchewan River Crossings - we will stop along the way for sigh seeing and maybe get some good group shots. 11:30am - Saskatchewan River Crossing. There's a canteen/gift shop there for snacks if anyone wants something. 12:15pm - Back on hwy 93 going North. 1:15pm - Athabasca Glaciers. We can do a short hike there to the base of the glacier - I believe it's a 2km hike from the parking lot. Bring hiking shoes, its a rocky trail. 3:00pm - Back on hwy 93 going North. 3:45pm - Sunwapta Falls. There's another canteen/gift shop there. 4:15pm - Athabasca Falls. Very beautiful place again - short hike or just hang around the falls. 5:45pm - Back on hwy 93 going North. 6:30pm - Jasper for dinner. TBD (any suggestions? I personally Formosa Pizza, L&W, Canadian Brewery, Earls...please respond to the thread and I'll update as we decide 8:30pm - Heading out to Hinton for the evening for those staying there. Day 3 (Jun18th) Sunday: 8am - Breakfast at Timmies in Hinton. 9am - Heading back into Jasper. 10am - Meet up at Maligne Canyon Trail 1pm - Back in Jasper for Lunch. TBD again. 2pm - Heading back to Edmonton from Jasper, but... 3:30pm - Some maybe interested in going to the Miette Hotsprings 6:00pm - Heading to Hinton for a quick supper. TBA. After supper, rally officially ends Attendees so far that's confirmed: 1) Izzy and Alex (Stickman007) - Sat/Sun 2) Robin (Iratama) 3) Jason and Ashley (Avenger95) 4) Jeff and Shannon (WhiteyJr) 5) Andrew and dog (Aj12) 6) Jonathan and kid (YEGSmartie) - Sat/Sun 7) Carlson and Becky (Carlson) 😎 Cerina and Ben
  6. Welcome to the club Kimberley! Come join us for the Smart Car Rally!
  7. The digital wallets for phones uses NFC whereas your key FOB uses RFID...different technology, although I think some manufactures are starting to adopt NFC as a card key (Tesla, Aptera..?)
  8. Hi guys, I realized that I haven't contributed to the CsC in a very long time. So here's some stuff that I made free to all! I'm tired of propping up the rear hatch with a stick...(then knocking it off accidentally with the glass slamming on my head). Here's a solution: Over the years, I've found a few air filter tab backing off allowing dust/debris into leak pass the air filter. I'm not sure if this has been a common issue, but personally, one or two dusted engine is more than enough of an excuse to make something preventative: *use/print at your own-risk as usual Enjoy! Izzy AirFilterBlock V5 Final.stl HatchStrut.stl
  9. My 1st hitch was custom made myself. The 2nd was made by some guy contracted by Bil Gladstone. The 3rd one that I have now on the C1 is made by SCU. I don’t tow with it….mostly used for the bike rack.
  10. I have a few extras…if u want to pay shipping, I can send u one. Pm me if you’re interested. Izzy
  11. There’s was a group of us at the very beginning trying to learn and setup the MBSTAR system. Long before you could just buy a preinstalled system from AliExpress. I believe only some members were given access to the WIS/DAS section. Im not sure how to unlock it for everyone or add members to the group. Best to contact Keith or Glenn, maybe they’ll know. Izzy
  12. @Leadwing I did not make the original no-slam modules. I’m actually not sure who was responsible for them…? I am making an attempt to make my own no-slam and one-touch module using an Arduino. My prototypes have been working okay, just trying to sort out some bugs…the project has just been in the back burner. Wiring is sorted out, just that occasionally, the one-touch will activate without holding the full 3s that I’ve programmed. I can post the wiring and program code when I get a chance to sit down in a few weeks (coming to Ontario for vacation!). We can make it open source like the EGR emulator and people can go make with own or customize it. Izzy
  13. Flossythesmart has posted a list of common functions and breakdown of the STAR DAS function on the wiki section. If I remembered correctly, somebody has posted a thread about this years ago and the how to coding has been discussed.
  14. @Willys Did you end up getting one of those shorten mirror holders? I'm heading out to ON this fall, I can bring your core injectors back and print you a few mirror holders with me. Need to thank you in person!
  15. Its been 4 years today since I bought the Canada1 (Red Pxl) from Keith! Still running strong, although it is showing its age now. Will probably need new suspension and clutch this winter.
  16. There's a Cabrio being parted on Kijiji Red Deer AB. See if the guy will ship.
  17. Where are you located? I’ve only coded keys where there was at least 1, but I’m always up for a challenge. Pm me and we’ll chat. Izzy
  18. C3 MUX will run I think up to mid 2015 Xentry. I use mine on my 2013 GLK as well as 2006 Fortwo. I setup my STAR on VMWare running on an iMac. This way the 2 system is isolated. This way you don’t lose a computer.
  19. So with the high pressure pump working now…it smokes, but still no start. Removed glow plugs and put thick oil in…crank by hand. Found that there’s very little resistance still. So most likely low compression.
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