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    Terrace, BC

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  1. We recently sold our 2006 Pulse, with nearly the same mileage. It was also a tough decision, took us a couple of years to stop talking about it and finally sell. Apparently we did rather well getting 9,000 for it. I think the right buyer came along at the right time. Still, that was depreciation of over 2K per year, which just doesn't feel good.I think unless you absolutely know you will keep a car till it dies, it just doesn't pay to purchase new. I don't think we'll ever be buying a new car again, only used from now on.Still, no regrets owning the smart. It was gret for us while we had it and while it was functional. To many little human's in our family now.
  2. Saw this smart with trailer in Prince Rupert, BC on October 2. I've seen it several times before, parked near the ferry terminal.
  3. Yes it was Mike. We really wish we could've kept it. But our changing family means we couldn't. Just for fun I'm going to send you mt serial number. I'm curious what info you have on my car.
  4. Sold for 9K. Glad your comments support that!Still, we wish we didn't have to sell it.
  5. I have a 2006 pulse coupe with heated seats and a/c, as well as many aftermarket add ons such as cruise and fog lights. It has 79,5xx kms on it, new tires, winter tires on rims. Wondering what a fair selling price is. I have an offer of $9K on the table.It has a CEL on right now, code is for the EGR valve, low reading or something, hasn't affected the driving for the last two years.Thanks
  6. Ahh, that makes sense Mike.On another note. I am going to be in Victoria on June 22 - 24th for work. I'll be staying at UVic in dorms. Maybe I should try make a visit to the dealer to pick up one of those cables, and maybe a new EGR.
  7. I know this problem afflicts some big trucks too. The local highways maintenance contractor has some new freightliner's and they often have to stop and do a "burn" to clean out the exhaust system or else the engine will just shut itself down. I don't know exactly how the burn works, but I assume it burns out the carbon buildup.
  8. I'm still getting the CEL after cleaning the EGR with carb cleaner. Still no limp modes ever. It sounds to me like the MB cable could help me out. Maybe I should also pick up one of the redesigned EGRs and replace it.4 years, 76K kms. I'm blaming my new found EGR problems on the short drives we do here in Terrace. Mostly 5 min drives and the engine only gets up to 60 C. Now that we have a baby, it won't be going on long trips anymore either.
  9. Spotted phat red/black pulse with black spots in town today. License plate LDY BG.
  10. Hey Gordon, nice car! That new smart feeling is awesome, I can't believe it was 4 years ago already.Is that your car in the background of Mike T's picture?
  11. Well, code P0401 showed up again today. Does this mean I just didn't get it clean enough? Would Brake cleaner work better than the carb medic?I didn't actually remove the EGR from the car. It looks like it's attached to several places quite solidly. What should my next move be? Order a new one? I still haven't had a limp mode from this.Any suggestions as to what I can do would be greatly appreciated.
  12. I had this exact problem in the summer of 2008. One cylinder no compression, another at about half compression. MB replaced the head due to leaking valve seats. First they tried to refuse me for doing my own services, but apparently a smart canada Rep happened to be at DMFC in Edmonton that day and he authorized the repair. I was told by the service advisor that they had seen a couple others similar to mine.I didn't get a new engine though, just a new head.
  13. Well, I used the carb cleaner (Gunk Carb Medic). I sprayed it down into the small chamber of the EGR, then used my air compressor to blow the goo out (covered with a shop towel to catch it). I started the car up after and all seems to work well. Cleared the code with my SG2, we'll see if it comes back next time I go for a drive.
  14. Could I use carb cleaner in the EGR instead of brake cleaner?I'm at 75K kms. Got the low EG flow code. The EGR is about 1/2 full of gooey tar like stuf. Nothing hard. Didn't evr get a limp mode either. Just the CEL.TIA.
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