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Everything posted by 0842Smart

  1. I do know it is cranking fine just not staying running when it does fire and hits about 3000RPM at best.
  2. I will have to check on that when I call tomorrow. as far as codes I can't get up there with my tester and he is not that automotive savvy to get the codes. Fun trying to fix a car by phone. And not being familiar with these Smart Cars doesn't help. I'm more familiar with and drive a 2002 F350 Diesel that could carry a Smart Car. LOL
  3. He would start it every couple weeks as he has done every winter since he got it. Started fine a couple weeks back this time not so good. Bad fuel would not keep all the lights on the dash lit. Seems more like it has gone into limp mode. Being so far from the car hard to check for my self just going on what I get over the phone.
  4. OK new here. So here is the story. My step father has a 2008 Smart Fortwo. He parks it in the winter but starts it regularly with no problems. Today he went to start it to start driving it again. Cranked and fired but just puttered then died, Tried again same thing puttered and would not rev up. all lights on dash stayed on. I am in Hamilton ON he is in Sutton ON. Any ideas as to what the prob would be? I told him to disconnect the battery and see if it resets the Computer. Been told you all are the gurus when it comes to these little cars. Thanks in advance.
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