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Iratama last won the day on July 12 2023

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About Iratama

  • Birthday July 7

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  • Location
    Edmonton, AB

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  1. I’m Super excited to Finally get to join you all this time! 😃 Thank you for planning this again Izzy!
  2. Hi. Thanks for the interest 😃. (Didn’t quite go so well on What’s App 🤣) I’ll be at the 5 guys at 1:00pm on Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you. 😃
  3. Hi All 👋, would anyone be interested in a meet up this weekend? I have 2 ideas in mind. 1. A little ice cream place on Athabaskan and Broadmoor at 1:00pm? this would be my choice 🤣. OR 2. 5 Guys on Wye road at Broadmoor? I love their burgers! 😆 On Sunday, July 16th. I hope to get to meet some of you soon 😃
  4. Hi 👋, looks like a great trip. Nice photos 😃. I’ve just found out that the little ice cream place I was looking for in St.Albert has closed down 😏 Is anyone interested in meeting up at the ice cream shack on Athabasca Road and Broadmoor Blvd in Sherwood Park this weekend?
  5. Hi Everyone, I was soo excited to go on this year’s trip, but I’ve been called in for a surgery I’ve been waiting for and won’t be able to join you. 😞 I hope everyone has an excellent time! I’ll be thinking of you all and hope to see some great pictures 🤗
  6. I’m thinking of setting up a meet and greet with a new smart owner in St.Albert at her ice cream shop. Details to come and I hope you’ll be able to come. 😃
  7. It all sounds great! I appreciate the time and effort you’ve put into planning and am looking forward to meeting everyone! 😃. Thanks so much!
  8. That’s great!  I’m thinking that I might like to share your spot if there’s still room. Thank you 😊 

    1. Aj12


      You're the first taker
      You're in
      (There will be a dog)

  9. Thank you for all that information! I don't mind lots of info like you've shared as it gives me a bit of a step by step. I have reached out to Izzy too. Thank you so much.
  10. Hi, I'm having trouble starting my 2006 Diesel CDI Fortwo. I suspect the starter as the lights come on, etc.. but only clicks and I hear a lot of noise, clunking type noise in the rear of the car when I try to start it. Perhaps the battery is a little low, but I don't know how to hook to the battery. I believe I just have to pull back the flooring on the passenger side and I'm going back to the manual to research, but if anyone has any suggestions or anything in the meantime. I am open to listening Thanks in advance for any guidance.
  11. I have private messaged you.


  12. Do you think it would be okay if I connected the cord while the car is in the parkade and drive home with it wrapped around one of the mirrors as we used to do in years gone by? The lighting and temperature much more agreeable, but I'm not sure that's the best idea. My cord is quite long.
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