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lebikerboy last won the day on July 25 2022

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96 Excellent

About lebikerboy

  • Birthday 07/10/1948

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    North Vancouver

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  1. The Tesla Model 3 (standard range) has a estimated range of 550 km's...
  2. Well, that certainly provoked a positive response!
  3. Due to the lack of activity, this site could be next...
  4. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/permatex-flowable-silicone-windshield-and-glass-sealant-tube-65sar-42-g-0383709p.html?&&gclid=CjwKCAjwgqejBhBAEiwAuWHioB_4ntnxXF5fdt_li6WYKasDRCgaCh3N_3O1aaJGQMlcb4l3scQ2PRoCl-AQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds#store=601
  5. Tires are here... https://shop.flyingtiger.ca/index.php?p=catalog&parent=65&pg=1
  6. Yes, you'll need to buy four litres... https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/oem-50-50-premixed-anti-freeze-coolant-bmw-jaguar-mercedes-benz-3-78-l-0293058p.html#plp
  7. The Vredestein Quatracs are made in the Netherlands and are awesome tires. We've been running various versions since around 2008 to present and will ,keep using them for as long as we have a smart. They are also an All Condition snow flake rated tire so are great for the type of weather we get on the West Coast.
  8. If design intent based on load is to use two struts only using one will result in one half or less normal life expectancy...
  9. Has anyone else had their brake drums start to show iron oxide (rust) staining? Ours were slowly getting worse over time so, I painted them with a black textured rust paint and they look awesome!
  10. $90.00 Cdn after adding shipping and exchange is not such a great deal... To say nothing of how long it will take to get them plus taxes etc. may be assessed.
  11. https://www.amazon.ca/Pieces-Tuff-Support-Supports-ForTwo/dp/B00L2G65YQ/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2IWADDRBNIXRP&keywords=rear+hatch+lift+struts&pd_rd_r=e9dd3f8d-6189-40cd-abba-a9de8c1d8af5&pd_rd_w=CGq8t&pd_rd_wg=ESmnD&pf_rd_p=386673cb-f5f1-432c-9d21-ba1b80042c41&pf_rd_r=AZX473F4T20CWJDGVT0V&pid=VrnbjOb&qid=1652116812&sprefix=rear+lift+struts%2Caps%2C129&sr=1-1&vehicle=2006-484-5853------------&vehicleName=2006+Smart+Fortwo
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