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jwight last won the day on January 8 2023

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120 Excellent

About jwight

  • Birthday 07/06/1944

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  • Location
    Dayton, Ohio, USA

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  1. I've had a subscription for years.Well worth it, as you say. πŸ˜€
  2. Based on the fault code, from Evilution: 451 CDI Exhaust Pressure Sensor, SMART – 0061539528 version 1, SMART – 6429050100 version 2 OR... 45bhp CDI EGR Clean Both require a subscription to read in full. πŸ˜€
  3. Apparently the transfer via PayPal will be received the following day (congestion at the border...) and there's a small fee for the sender. πŸ™‚
  4. Interesting that chopper hasn't been on the site since May 16, 2020...πŸ™‚
  5. Great job - thanks so much for all the time and effort put into making the transition! πŸ₯‚ 🍻
  6. There's an Evilution fix on his site, link is on your SCoA thread. Glad you got it fixed.
  7. No current French car models of any kind at this point...
  8. https://www.elbons.com/listings/elbons-4zenn/
  9. What year 451? How many miles? The low compression could be from burned valves in one or more cylinders - a known issue with some 451s/Mitsu engines. Our 2011 got a brand new head at around 32K miles due to burned valves. As to the no start, I'd scan the car for OBD codes and see what pops up - sound like the computer isn't seeing what it needs to allow the start. It's also worthwhile checking the connectors and cables to the starter just in case... You can try searching on https://www.smartcarofamerica.com/forums/ for similar threads.
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