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CANMAN last won the day on June 4 2023

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    Madoc, Ontario

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  1. Max, the link to your wiki common tasks in Das is broken.


  2. I purchased a package of 100 copper seals. With shipping they ended up costing $0.33 each. Order the 7 x 15 x 1.5 mm https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32843122118.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.3.6ceeadOgadOgrt&algo_pvid=72c6bd88-f30e-4a60-9805-25b87b019eae&algo_exp_id=72c6bd88-f30e-4a60-9805-25b87b019eae-1&pdp_npi=3%40dis!CAD!17.83!17.66!!!13.24!!%40211bd7d616897401276916327d0778!66601108455!sea!CA!0&curPageLogUid=VzApQfE3zaA1
  3. Here is a tool to remove injectors. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004853812713.html?ug_edm_item_id=1005004853812713&pdp_npi=3%40dis!CAD!C%2413.81!C%249.67!!!!!%402150466d16897287248368380e7a13!12000030754652460!edm!!&tracelog=rowan&rowan_id1=logistics_default_m_20221027_1_en_US_2023-07-18&rowan_msg_id=7526817193079137$fd2114c5eae145d988aceb05241ca76c&ck=in_edm_other
  4. Here is a tool to remove injectors. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004853812713.html?ug_edm_item_id=1005004853812713&pdp_npi=3%40dis!CAD!C%2413.81!C%249.67!!!!!%402150466d16897287248368380e7a13!12000030754652460!edm!!&tracelog=rowan&rowan_id1=logistics_default_m_20221027_1_en_US_2023-07-18&rowan_msg_id=7526817193079137$fd2114c5eae145d988aceb05241ca76c&ck=in_edm_other
  5. It’s been almost a year since your last post. Did you ever get the car running?
  6. Below are a picture of the seat cutter with cutting paste and a picture after 3 rotations by hand using light pressure.
  7. This is the seat cutter set I purchased. https://www.amazon.ca/8milelake-Injector-Cleaner-Universal-Re-Face/dp/B075TV8WFD/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_mh_mcx_views_0?pd_rd_w=WQA3z&content-id=amzn1.sym.833bd1c1-d12f-495c-aa01-f81c193397e0&pf_rd_p=833bd1c1-d12f-495c-aa01-f81c193397e0&pf_rd_r=JREAXDW7XH5ZW1NNM2TC&pd_rd_wg=gDjyk&pd_rd_r=76004743-ea28-4063-9dc6-842f188bcb41&pd_rd_i=B075TV8WFD This is the cutting paste. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/slredirect/picassoRedirect.html/ref=pa_sp_phone_search_atf_aps_sr_pg1_1?ie=UTF8&adId=A0119029V6GZKBK2YL9K&url=%2FLubri-Cut-Drilling-Tapping-Lubricant-Fluid%2Fdp%2FB017C0HZA8%2Fref%3Dmp_s_a_1_1_sspa%3Fcrid%3D3JVWWKM4WT2NE%26keywords%3Dcutting%2Bpaste%26qid%3D1686367511%26sprefix%3Dcutting%2Bpaste%2Caps%2C184%26sr%3D8-1-spons%26psc%3D1&qualifier=1686367511&id=6090824612736145&widgetName=sp_phone_search_atf
  8. If you have an old injector hold down clamp. Drill out the hole so you can insert a 6 inch bolt and weld in place. Then attach it to your slide hammer. I would attach it to the bolt upside down so the curve is facing up.
  9. Copper seal # 611-017-00-60 $6.13 Clamp bolt # 003-990-29-12 $8.70
  10. There are so many things wrong with the video I don’t know where to start. ALWAYS use compressed air to blow the debris out of the injector hole. ALWAYS clean out the threads in the clamp bolt hole. (tap or modified bolt + compressed air) ALWAYS use a new copper washer. (they are single use items) ALWAYS use a new clamp bolt. ( the bolt stretches when you torque it and add 180 degrees ) { single use item} If you reuse the clamp bolt you risk it snapping off in the hole. Maybe not when installing but when you load the engine driving up a big hill.
  11. The WIS instructions state: - No tool should be used to turn the injector - Use a suitable slide hammer if required to pull out the injectors - Placing tools on the hexagonal surfaces of the injector is not allowed = Clean out the clamp bolt hole with a M 7.0 x 1.0 tap and compressed air If you don’t have the tap you can make a tool by using a old clamp bolt and a dremel tool to cut a slot lengthwise down the bolt. = Use a new copper seal and a new T40 clamp bolt every time, they are single use items.
  12. 17 x 19 flat cutter. Be sure to use cutting paste (cutting wax) to catch the chips.
  13. This article was in the news today. Transport Canada is issuing a recall for 2008-2009 smart fortwo’s due to a risk of fires in the engine compartment. canman http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/smart-vehicles-recall-engine-fire-1.4657669
  14. The AC system on most diesel cdi's tend to lose the refrigerant after a couple of years, probably too much vibration. Some cars were fixed under warranty I think with parts from the 451 model. The best way to get AC is to get the components from a scrapyard or buy a smart with a blown engine and AC. You will need a licensed garage to purge/ leak test and fill the system when you are done. If you get another car for parts take it to a garage to remove the freon (assuming there is any left) before disconnecting any lines. canman
  15. The car could be remapped with a performance tune instead of stock. Thus the poorer fuel economy. canman
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