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Found 9 results

  1. My 450 is having issues with warm/hot starts. Started all winter without any issues but summer weather is returning to the prairies and now it won't start unless it has been sitting for an hour or so, even after a short drive. It starts fine cold and there are no drivability issues. When the engine won't start the starter acts oddly. When I rotate the key position to start, the engine cranks normally. If it doesn't start after a few rotations I let go of the key and allow it to return to the run position. When the key returns to the run position the starter continues to crank the engine over at the same speed. If I turn the the key to the Acc position the starter will stop. Once the car sits for about an hour it will start within two rotations of the engine and run completely normally. Any ideas where to start looking? Thanks.
  2. Hello I'm parting out my 2005 smart fortwo cdi. One of the valves got damaged from the rocker and it isn't worth fixing anymore. Besides that everything else worked great. 2 of 3 injectors were recently rebuilt. New crank sensor. New fuel regulator. High pressure pump still cranks at 379 bar. Alternator and starter both work great. Summer tires on alloys and winter tires on steelies. Turbo, muffler. Let me know what you need and we can work something out! Everything is available still!
  3. I've heard it's possible to get the wire for the Solenoid removed/reseated if I drop the Plastic cover for the belts. Anybody have some guidance where this cover is? Removing the inner line is of course easy (3 10mm bolts and curse a bit) But can't find the magic cover that's being referred to.
  4. Hey all, I've got a 2009 451 Smart, and I can't seem to get it to start. I turn the key, and the starter doesn't make a sound. I thought it might be a dead battery, so I hooked up one of those portable jump packs, but no luck. The battery shows about 11.7 volts, which should be more than enough to turn it over. I pulled the starter, and had it tested, and it's perfectly fine. Any suggestions?
  5. Hi All I have a 06 CDI with only 90k on it and now it won’t turn over, the cars been frustrating I just changed the alternator for a now charge issue ( i thought) and now the car won’t turn over. When I try to start it it just clicks fast like the starter pinion is moving back and forth. I put the booster on it and it just does it faster. I don’t think it’s my battery everything else on the car works fine. Is it possible the cable can be corroded from the battery to the starter/alternator or is it a bad ground. the car did try to start once but I can’t get it to do it again. Any input would be greatly appreciated
  6. 2006 450 CDI When key is turned to starter position I have power output through SAM unit but have no power at starter motor solenoid. Ground is good. Looking for wiring diagram that shows connectors from sam to starter as it has to be a loose or corroded connector.
  7. Hi, First post in this forum, just bought my 06 Pure with 208,000 kms. Turning the ignition switch to start usually takes 3-4 tries before it will turn the starter. The starter has been changed with a new one by PO, so that's not the problem. According to PO it's been doing this for 1 year, but it always starts, eventually. Where is the relay that powers up the starter solenoid? I'm in the process of buying a service manual off eBay. Love the car already.
  8. I'm trying to check the state of the wiring to my starter motor, is there a wiki on the procedure to lower the engine or how to do this without lowering the engine? Thanks
  9. Hello all, I have been trying to find the easiest method of getting to the rear side of the engine on my .8 dsl fortwo. I have 3 key components I want to always have access to. my starter alternator and thermostat. I have done some research on locations and plan to create a hatch door to give me immediate access to them most likely with hinge style or grove style (such as the engine cover panel) my question is has anyone ever attempted this mod to the body of the vehicle? also if I were to cut away a portion of the cell shown in my picture(general area) is there any ideas of ways I can have it easily removable and still create an airtight seal for sound when reinstalled? I have access to welder and can form sheet metal. tomorrow I am going to begin the cut. also the second picture is showing key strength points in red and I will be cutting just under the main support in between existing engine access hole and my cutting area. I am planning on swapping alternators in summer as bearing in mine is on its way out the door. I am also wanting to attempt tolson's restrictor mod to gain some heat in my -32 celcius world I live in. thank in advance!
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