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Found 5 results

  1. Hello all, After a few days of working on things, I have written a guide for getting you started with the KWP2000+ and the Smart 450 CDI. This guide includes the (often hard to find) software thats needed, setup of the software and hardware, and instructions on how to read your stock tune file and write a new tune file to it. The attachment includes the guide and software. Please let me know if you have anything to add or any questions. Big thanks to @stickman007 for his assistance with the software and troubleshooting! KWP2000 Smart CDI Edition.zip
  2. So I'm hoping that we can use this thread to collect and share information on the EDC15c5 ECU particularly with regards to EGR off. With my KWP2000+ finally working, I was able to pull off the ECU my map which according to smartzuum may be actually the FlyingTiger tune light version as I noticed a quicker shift, but no increase in power. What I would like to do is to tune out the EGR section of the map eventually and possibility make some tweaks for a bit more power. From what I can gather so far: 1) the EGR section of the EDC15C5 map contains a string "001 000 001 048" when setup in a given layout (8-bit view) 2) the 1st set of "001" acts as a switch that turns the EGR map on/off (say 001 for on and 000 for off) 3) an alternative way of removing the EGR map is to edit the parameters at which the EGR is turned on (say to edit the temperature requirements...etc). But I do not have the address location for those parameters. Does anyone have a legit version of ECU Titanium/WinOLS/Swiftec that they would like to confirm this or do checksum for me? I know that I can probably pay someone to do the editing, and some ECU software even has modules that automatically deletes the EGR function. But I believe that gaining knowledge doesn't hurt, but my wallet does. I think we can all benefit from learning and understanding how it all comes together and work. Izzy
  3. Hello, im running my own tuning company, and im just curious how people tune those 700CC Turbos (2006 Mod) if doing software what tuning tools?
  4. Hello, im running my own tuning company, and im just curious how people tune those 700CC Turbos (2006 Mod) if doing software what tuning tools?
  5. hi im a new member from Rimouski, Quebec.... looking for what the people, and, what can i do to upgrade my 2009 fotwo .... and sure, make some friends learn more about the smart!!! thhaanks
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