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Found 3 results

  1. Suddenly, our 2006 Pulse 450 with 71K km sounds very noisy when decelerating! Almost like a Jake Brake on a big rig. My local shop (Marc's Auto - Midland ON - usually pretty good on Smarts) hasn't come up with a fix. All muffler and joints appear good, no holes, and no OBD codes. Litres per 100km still around 4.4, temp OK after a thermostat replacement couple of months back. and nothing out of normal noted. Any ideas?? Mike - Penetang area .....>
  2. Hi. I have a 450 petrol (700cc) which started making some rattling noise on start-up. The noise came from the timing chain so I had it replaced at a local shop. I picked up the car yesterday and noticed I hear noise coming from the chain when the car is under load. The mechanic also advised me to change the valve guide seals as the car leaves a smudge of carbon on when starting, in the morning. He said he could do the whole thing without removing the head. I'm not very mechanically inclined so apologies if I make a stupid question, but could the engine timing be off? If so, would an oscilloscope test suffice to diagnose it? Is it really possible to change the timing chain and assure the timing is good without removing the head? What other questions would you ask the mechanic if you were in my shoes? Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
  3. Hi! I'm from Portugal and I have a Smart ForTwo. I bought it 5 months ago but it's from 2003 and it's diesel. I've had some problems with the car but I've managed to get them all solved. Today I've started to hear a weird noise while I was driving and I got it on video. The noise starts and stops suddenly. The noise also changes a little bit when I step on the brake but it's constant: it's always there, whether I step on the brake, whether I step on the accelerator and even I'm not stepping on any pedal. I'm attaching the video that I got. Can anyone help me before I take it to the store? Does anyone have any idea what this noise can be? Thanks video-1572981008_Trim_Trim.mp4
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