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The "Shield cover" for the Belts

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I've heard it's possible to get the wire for the Solenoid removed/reseated if I drop the Plastic cover for the belts.   


Anybody have some guidance where this cover is?   Removing the inner line is of course easy (3 10mm bolts and curse a bit) ;)

But can't find the magic cover that's being referred to.

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I also do not know of this cover you are speaking of...?  A set of seriously long needle nose pliers may get it done from the top, maybe but...I bet you'll curse far more than if you lower the sub frame even if to only the length of the bolts, but better if you drop the sub frame or lift the body with just the rear bolts in a few threads. This will allow the front to drop easily far enough to allow any sized meat cleavers to get to where they need to be.   Sorry.


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I found the cover in question.  This was missing / removed on my Blue one but intact on my White one (same year... go figure)


So if I do the "Cheat drop" which is a partial lower you're thinking I could at least get my "Meat hooks" onto the Solenoid wire?


I'll give it a shot.  I have it scheduled for July 15th (budget) for Don to do the work.  Part (new Bosch) plus labour tax is just under $1400 (which I have expected and am budgeting for)

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I'd be calling my local alt and starter rebuilder and see what they charge to rebuild or sell me a rebuilt or new starter.....I have bought new of both starter and alt and NEVER paid anything close to that number.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 6/25/2021 at 5:59 AM, smart142 said:

It sounds like the $1400 is to replace the starter.

I'm thinking the dealer would charge less than that and provide a 2 year warranty. It would be worth a call to them to get an estimate.


Never considered the dealer would provide warranty on a repair on a 2006 Smart.   Something to consider next time :)

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