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Fuel pump required 2006 diesel

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Research removing the SAM(fuse box) and opening it up to take a peek at the row of solder joints that are well known to create just this issue.  Might be the source of all your problems and an easy fix if you can operate a soldering gun and a solder sucker or have some solder wick wire(easier way to remove old solder) Then just re-solder pin and Bob's your uncle, job done.   Again, many many Smart cars have this issue and also the headlight pins have the same issue. The pins get hot and they get a crack around the pin on the board, constant hot and cold causes this "cold solder" issue. You may have to use a magnifying glass or something to be able to see the cracks.  But I'll bet money it's a good chance it is it.  It costs nothing to take the SAM down and open it up, just some time learning how to do it. Easy really once you have done it once or twice.
Good luck and let us know how you make out.

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the fuse box is called a SAM...loosen it and drop it down so you can get to the backside of it....there is a brown 12 pin connector i think its labeled n11-3 or n11-5.....disconnect it and check for damage.....the middle two wires are for low beam headlights and almost always have heat damage.....the fuel pump wire is also a common problem ,,,,i cant remember what number it is but its a couple wires away from the headlights so maybe position number 7 or 8...(just guessing for now)



if its damaged you can search the forum for threads about the common relay mod fix for headlights and fuel pump




i cant find an exact pinout for that connector but im sure its been posted here somewhere

Edited by LooseLugNuts
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6 hours ago, smartalec said:

Thanks very much for the advice and instruction .

I wish I was braver about fixing it myself ….

It's just an adult jig saw puzzle.....take pictures before you touch it and after every item you remove or undo.  Then once you need to reassemble it, simply reverse the picture path....simple....also do some easy research about each topic you wish to look into, it's all been covered here at one time or another and if not, there's plenty of very helpful people here to give you a helping hand so to speak. Advice wise that is.  Most things just need simple hand tools and some torx style tools.  Princess Auto has everything you will need cheap!

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