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Anyone had the smart jump out of gear at highway speeds. Mine did twice today both times after about 80 km of driving doing about 110km. Engine sales running but the dash showed 6 th gear. Manual shifting did nothing.

came to a stop and tried all gears including park and neutral but it stayed showing 6 th gear but the tranny was in neutral.

shut the car off and started it and all goes back to normal.  No dash on the speedo and no codes logged and it drives perfectly fine. ?

this one is a head scratcher so far 

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Just installed the drive train and went over the complete wiring and connections at the same time. Only found 1 wire that started to rub the yellow insulation to the wire.  No broken strand or corrosion.  The piece of wire was cut out and a new piece soldered and heat shrink in place. 
How would one acquire a star system.

I like being self sufficient.

or where would one go except the dealer. 
I’m in the Lindsey are and commute to the Toronto area every day 

Also the drive train I got had a EGR emulator so I did the complete EGR delete. The motor had bad lifters so all I had to do what’s replace all 6 lifters and rockers.

Is more noticeable turbo noise with the EGR delete.

The noise is not concerning just more than I’m used to.

Edited by flekker
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