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Can I Bypass the Water in Fuel Sensor?

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I saw your filter. I am surprised the fuel system survived that at all. :)


I am sure they do some good it's just that I have never seen a need and in truth I would rather do the pump and injectors every 200,000 miles than faff about putting eggcups full of magic liquid in the tank at every fill up. :)


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11 minutes ago, Mjolinor said:

"I would rather do the pump and injectors every 200,000 miles than faff about putting eggcups full of magic liquid in the tank at every fill up. :)"


Last drive before filter change took me 3 hrs to drive home for a drive that should have taken 45 minutes!

I promise not to hold you down and administer something to your tank!:lol:

-20c and more with wind chill here through the mountains highways. Additives keep the fuel from waxing up in Diesels in those conditions. Would not be taking my car in those conditions though. To much chance of getting hung up on snow or ripping out the plastic panels under the car!

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The two country's have two completely different weather seasons as far as extremes go imho, and this coming from someone who was born in England and has returned to live there in the late 70's.....we can't compare the two imho.  Very very rarely do you worry about being frozen to death in your vehicle in England from what I have seen or experienced. Your driving times are in minutes compared to hours here in North America especially if you live out of any major city. It's minus 38 degree celcius at the moment here with the wind chill. I've always been under the impression that our fuel is dirtier or less refined etc than European fuels for whatever reason...right or wrong it's always been said. 
As for adding the mechanic in a can as a magical solution to poor maintenance practices is well just magical or living in a dream world.  Nothing replaces regular maintenance on any vehicle. Like it or not, do it or not.....usually any vehicle that gets it over one that doesn't usually lasts far longer and with less issues. Yes I have learned this the hard way also.
I'm not saying it won't help the vehicle run better but it won't "fix" a mechanical problem by simply adding this liquid to your gas tank or engine oil.

To each their own, we all have our own mental blockages when certain things are concerned.  This just seems to be one of those times imho.

Some folks swear by it others roll the dice and complain when things go sideways.  The way I look at it is, it costs less to spend a few pennies a trip doing this maintenance than a set of nozzles or injectors, or a maybe far bigger issue.   When I broke my back I couldn't bend over the fender of our vehicle to change the oil even....I left it for 18 months, only putting in what it needed if it was low.  One day it didn't start.  I later found out the cam had worn the cam bearing towers completely out so bad the valves wouldn't open. I was young and stupid, that cheapness of not wanting to pay someone to do what i normally could do cost me a cylinder head and in the end the vehicle, after paying for the head work.
So a few pennies and the time it takes to do these small jobs etc, well worth it imho. Plus I like playing around with vehicles and not paying others to do work I'm capable of doing.
And again, comparing two countries fuels is like comparing apples to oranges. England has always had far more responsive vehicles, better fuel numbers etc etc....as far as I can remember. At least my lifetime anyway.

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Running on Canadian diesel, at least locally, without additive makes the level float on the fuel pump/sending unit go off and give artificially low fuel level readings on the dashboard. The Petrolabs stuff stops that from happening. It also raises cetane and helps with lubricity.

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