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LAst night leaving my nephews wedding I found my smart didn't want to shift into 1st. Gave me the three bars but wouldn't click into 1st I goofed around with the shifter, pressed the brake etc. Got it into first and off I went.

This morning intending to go to a doctors appointment and it won't go into 1st again , I'm getting the 3 bars but I can move it about and get it to register a gear too. It will start , but the shifter itself won't click into 1st. 

I can push it so it registers 1st and the car will move but it doesn't lock into first and has to be held there for the most part. if one lets the shifter go it goes back to the middle and registers 3 bars. If it goes into first (clicks in,) it will then not want to click back into neutral nor reverse. which is where it's at now.


I have been reading things on the evilution site about the wiring harness(the car does have a water ingress problem) I also wonder about the transmission fluid level, clutch actuator etc.

 I am right in the middle of moving out of my 10 month lease somewhat remote house so having a non functioning vehicle is considerably less than ideal.


Any ideas?  please and thanks

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If it was me I would start by checking the clutch actuator.

Best would be to back it onto ramps for easier access. See if the rod is tight against the clutch release bearing. I'm betting its loose.


If so it can be adjusted. The actuator is on a slide. Three T10 bolts will need to be loosened. I would suggest using penetrating oil and heat.

Then you snug up the rod to the bearing and tighten the bolts. 

See if that helps.

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Thanks! Good to have somewhere to start. It does feel like a mechanical problem. The rain is supposed to let up tomorrow for a bit so I'm going to have a lie under the car then and see. Not sure if I have the ramps here annoyingly, Might have to improvise. I have planks and cinder blocks and chocks

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Help! Need help badly. In the middle of a summer move and have to get the car mobile in the next 2 days if possiblef.


 I tightened up the actuator, as well I took it off and it looked quite good actually, quite clean inside. No difference to the problem


The main thing I'm noticing is right at the shifter, It doesn't seem to have the necessary movement to click in on either side (1st and neutral) You can push it to either side some, it will register neutral or 1st  at the speedo and will actually move in first and disengage when in neutral but it won't lock into either position (go all the way left or right) so if you let go it quickly goes back to three bars and is unhappy 

It will not go far enough to the right to be able to shift into reverse.


I was doing my due diligence at the battery, cleaned and tightened the terminals because I know how many things are electronically controlled,


So far no dice


Please, any other ideas?

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That's what I'm thinking however I don't have the fancy 5 type of torque needed to remove it and ironically can't go and get it.

When I encounter fancy bolts I use a fancy tool,,,vise grips! they ame out very easily actually,,,well after I removed the seats, and the drivers side sub frame after drilling out the ali rivets on the drawer under the seat so i could get at the bolts to remove the sub frame. Luckily I have a pop rivet gun and aluminium rivets from sail boat stuff and amp building.

I think the problem is the metal lock plate is askew and keeping the shifter from moving all the way to one side.

Does the exact same thing even unplugged

I saw this as ultimately an opportunity to vacuum my car in places it had never been vacuumed before


i'm going to open this up see if I can get it working smoothly and see if that sorts my problem.




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Good to see a car in about the same state as mine inside. Only needs cleaning when a shovel will do the job. :)


I need to do that on my 2009. About 6 years ago I dropped my mother's wedding ring in mine and have never found it. It is one of the reasons why I have not got rid of the car.


Gorilla glue also amazes me every time I use it. Weirdest glue in the world.


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