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Site keeps dropping me...?


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Hey guys, I am finding that the site has started to keep dropping, not remembering, me forcing me to keep signing in every time I want to open it. The page is always open and normally doesn't ask me to sign in every time I go to use it. It has just started doing this, is anyone else experiencing this or is it just me? Just curious....?  No I haven't touched the settings on my computer or changed anything that I know of. 

Just letting anyone know to see if there are more people having the same issue?




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  • 2 months later...
On 2024-02-28 at 6:56 PM, MikeT said:

Same. Not sure who the webmaster is nowadays, but he's the one who gets the advertising banner money.


We need to find the owner of the site domain. I have no web administration or any measurable skills with the interweb. CsC will need to be updated and renewed. The new security updates should resolve some of the log in issues.

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I think I have it sorted out, it took me to clear my brousing history, clear all cookies, then add this site to accept third party cookies.   This is way out of my depth dealing with computers and found it all by accident...?
Thanks to Izzy and his helpers for trying to get this, one of the last good smart car sites breathing once again and not dying a slow painful death.  Anyone who can help please do.

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7 hours ago, MikeT said:

Site domain is owned by Steve Morehouse of West Kelowna IIRC. Last known Webmaster was named Sean in the Ottawa area, I have forgotten his username sadly.

Anyone heard of Steve in the last 5 or 10 years...?  Is he still getting funds off of the site or is it something he would hand over?  That is IF he has departed the Smart Car world.


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So steve won't be in any hurry to release the site to someone who is an active member...I assume...?

What if the site can be it's own entity so to speak where the money simply gets paid to itself for future upgrades and to pay for services needed such as maintenance of the site etc etc.

I think it's time to track steve down and see what his position is on this either way to help keep the site alive and active.

I'd hate to see the site die a slow death because lately that looks like what is happening, just like so many other once great Smart Car sites.

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9 hours ago, MikeT said:

SmartieParts is Steve's handle here. Hasn't visited for 5 years......


The ship is adrift.

OK, that settles it we need to locate Steve at all costs and get him to hand over the reigns......5 years is a clear indication he has lost interest in the cars but he may still enjoy the pennies the site sends him...?

Does anyone know steve's last name so we can hunt him down?  Humanely of course...lol


There must be a record of him deep in the information within the site that the admins can find, no?

IMHO, the site should be it's own identity, claiming the revenue for itself. Not for any individual who comes and goes,. That means anyone who helps run the show. All moneys needs to be invested back into the site as a whole.

So, any idea's on how best to start the hunt...???     Anyone?


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9 hours ago, MikeT said:

SmartieParts is Steve's handle here. Hasn't visited for 5 years......


The ship is adrift.

OK, that settles it we need to locate Steve at all costs and get him to hand over the reigns......5 years is a clear indication he has lost interest in the cars but he may still enjoy the pennies the site sends him...?

Does anyone know steve's last name so we can hunt him down?  Humanely of course...lol


There must be a record of him deep in the information within the site that the admins can find, no?

IMHO, the site should be it's own identity, claiming the revenue for itself. Not for any individual who comes and goes,. That means anyone who helps run the show. All moneys needs to be invested back into the site as a whole.

So, any idea's on how best to start the hunt...???     Anyone?


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Steve Morehouse is the name on the company Smartieparts, and from what I read in the last 15 minutes he has closed that down also...?  He also did reside in Kelona  in 2019.

Just some info to start the hunt with.

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Hey folks!


I'm glad to see this community is still kicking.  


For the record:

I receive no money!!  I want to get that out of the way :)   Not even pennies.  I do not receive a single cent.  At least not any longer, and I never did from advertising.  There were donations at one point.


It is true that I did once have the reins here... temporarily... and it was YEARS ago.  IIRC, the site used to be part of MBCanada and then it was Xandria and Dean that split us off to our own domain.  The site was originaly on phpBB which ended up being riddled with spam so I suggested we move it to something else (apparently this Invision Power Services? I honestly don't recall).  At one point, Xan and Dean stepped away and there were elections for president, etc.  I was elected as the (I think) 2nd president and I held that very briefly as there was some conflict since I also ran SmartieParts and it was seen that I was getting free advertising or something like that.  I think I held the position for months or maybe a year. 

3) I also, at one point, hosted the forum's web assets on a server shared with my smartieparts.com website.  That's because it was super cheap - like $40 a year.  I believe I was paid that $40 once, but I kept it on my server for probaby 5+ years.  I just searched my emails, and it looks like I moved it to my servers in 2011 and it stayed there (largely unpaid) until 2017.  


The very last email I have is on March 16, 2017 where it is confirmed that I no longer had control of the domain or the web hosting, and the account credentials were sent to Max Joyce, who I imagine was likely the president at the time.  I seem to remember his handle here was simply "Max", but I could very well be wrong.  I have his email address (from 2017) and I'll send that to Willys shortly.


As far as I know, that's where it left off.  Where it went from Max, I couldn't say.  I can't see who is the current owner of the domain, as it is all been hidden:  https://who.is/whois/clubsmartcar.com   but from that info we can see that it is still hosted at stablehost.com, which is where I used to have it when the domain was split off into its own account and sent to Max, so I suspect he may still run it?  But he could have just as easily sent control on to the next person.



As I mentioned to Willys via Facebook, my wife was recently diagnosed with leukemia.  Timing of Willys' message was sort of perfect, in that just last night we were allowed to return home for 4 days while she has a lull in treatment, so I was able to look into this a bit for you.  But other than 30 minutes this morning, I really REALLY can't devote any time to this.  My focus is my wife, as I'm sure you'll understand.

But I hope I have pointed you in a direction, and I wish you good luck.



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Thank you Steve for taking the very valuable time to answer these questions to help us get the site back up and ready for the future, if we have one that is.  I and many hope we do.

Again may I send positive thoughts to your wife and wish her the best recovery possible.  I'm sure the whole club joins me with these thoughts. and prayers.


Here is Max's email....  max.joyce@gmail.com

Edited by Willys
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Thanks Steve for helping out with this matter. Best wishes to you and your wife!!


My memory is foggy but I remember that it was many years ago that Max was the webmaster and then vanished.

Leadwing at the time was president and tried to contact him for years and years.

I had bought parts off him so had his email and phone #. He never responded when we used that contact info.


I believe he initiated the advertising on the site that was supposed to generate a little revenue???

Is someone receiving that money???

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I was talking to a friend that has experiences with websites and inter-web stuff…(also a member, but I forgot her user name), she informed me that someone has paid for the domain registration for this year. Apparently they need to be renewed every year? I will try to contact Keith and maybe try to get to the bottom of this mystery.

Domain registration is around $40/year. If it goes unpaid, it can get hijacked and it’ll take crazy money (thousands) to get it back.


Question for Steve @SmartieParts, does your login still works for the domain stuff? Maybe Max didn’t change anything?


We really need to pull together and make sure CsC stays online!

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Domain registration should be about half that, and hosting can be found for as little as $10-$15 per year.  Cost isn't your primary concern here, it's control.


I have no abilty to help with that.  I reviewed the emails, and when I transferred to Max what happened was he created an account at Stablehost.com and I split off the clubsmartcar domain and it was transferred to that seperate account.  At that point, I had no ability to log in at all.  I never had the username/password, so I can't help there.


Someone might want to contact stablehost and see if they can help.  They may have procedures in place for stuff like this, but I kind of doubt it... if it were that easy, people could con their way into stealing sites pretty easy.


You need to get hold of Leadwing, it sounds like, and get access.


I wish I could help, but even if I had the time and emotional bandwidth right now... I just don't see that there's anything I could do!   If it is about keeping this remaining community together, then forming a Facebook group is what I would suggest.  If it is about maintaining the information that's archived here... good luck without the hosting credentials.  If you can get the hosting login but not hte domain, I'd suggest getting a new domain and just posting here that people should go to clubsmartcarPart2.com or whatever. 

Best of luck.

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