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Site and Security Update Required

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Since obtaining administration rights from Keith, I've noticed that there are site and security updates that will need to be done ASAP. I've also received emails/calls from members that have alerted me that they're having trouble logging in. The new site update may fix some of the bugs that we're having. I will post a date on when it will happen, but lately I've been super busy...most likely sometime in the coming week.


Another matter that needs to be taken care of soon is that our site clubsmartcar.com domain is about to expire at the end of July. I'm not familiar to the process of domain renewal...are there any members that is willing to step up and help? Please contact me directly at stickman007@gmail.com.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the late notice. I will be trying to back up and update the site tomorrow evening. Around 4-5pm Alberta time.

I have no experience doing this kind of stuff. I hope everything goes well. The site shouldn’t be down for too long.


I can be reached personally at stickman007@gmail.com if anyone needs to get in touch with me….or send angry emails for the site going down.



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So the update failed. I do not have the hosting rights. Keith and I are still trying to gain access to them. We have found the owner of the domain and she is more than willing to transfer it back to us. She has been paying for the domain registration for the past few years. Hosting on the other hand, we're still trying to hunt down who has access, but someone has been paying for the cost...


Max Joyce was the last known webmaster. If anybody knows otherwise, please contact myself or Keith.

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So, this website as everyone knows, is really just the discussion forum, and THAT forums version of the software is MORE than a decade outdated..... in fact, more like 15 years. But I digress.


TFM and Xandria set up this site and it's domains in 2005, and still own them. That has never changed or been an unknown.


I have made a last ditch effort to contact Max Joyce - the most recent webmaster - who has the keys to the "hosting". (Different than owning and having the access to the domains in our case). Max might also have some revenue since 2016 to provide from the ads we've been putting up with. This ad revenue was used to pay TFM $1500 in 2016 towards domain and operating costs for the previous decade. Keep in mind we also had various stretches of low or no cost hosting, but the forum software, and indeed, updates do cost something.... and they are sadly way overdue.


We are in contact with the domain owners as of today (it just took sending an e-mail), and we will work through issues one at a time.


If we cannot get access to the hosting, we may be in for a few bumps and bruises on the way to sorting the outdated stuff, but fingers crossed.





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I can only access the site myself on Edge or an older version of IE. And I think I can only access the ADMIN portion of the site from IE on an old slow laptop.


I am not at any of the equipment that access this site on a daily basis, and spent a few hours today pulling old e-mails and BOD minutes to get a general recap on the most recent CsC BOD activity which is from 2014 (minuted), with some follow-up activities through 2016 and into early 2017.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all! We have some plans to upgrade and migrate the Club smart Car website to another server.


With this upgrade, we will lose the chatbox, and possibly the Wiki with the VINs. We are looking at how to keep the VINs, but the migration should offer faster speeds and more reliability, as well as secure HTTPS connections to the site.


Stay tuned for further information as we plan out the timing.

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