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451 Fuel Door Replacement

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I own a 2010 Smart (gas) and the other day when I went to fill up at the gas station I noticed that my Fuel Door was missing. First I thought that someone ripped it off trying to steal my gas. I ordered a new Fuel Door from my local Mercedes dealer. It merely clips in place, nothing to secure it with a screw to lock it in place..

What's the solution that others have tried to secure it without a chance of it falling off again or are we just stuck with what there is..? With tax the Fuel Door cost me $65 CDN so that's an expensive part for a thin piece of plastic that's prone to fall off again..

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1 hour ago, Mjolinor said:

It should not fall off. It locks shut when the doors are locked.


Is your lock not working?

My locks are working but somehow it release from the track. I close the Fuel Door everytime I refuel. I've read where others have encountered the same problem after driving thru car washes, the pressure it seems is enough to pop it off..

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cdnred.....stop going through car washes....lol.     Yep, someone has to be the dick....lol


I haven't experienced this yet, but we don't have the same year, again....lol


Hope you find a solution, $65 is an expensive fill-up in a smart car...!

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Will the Fuel Door finally arrived a few days ago from the local Mercedes dealer. It went on as planned with a tight fit. Keeping my fingers crossed that it won't come off again. Will keep an eye on it every time I refuel for signs of it getting loose. Will try the glue should I notice it start to loosen. $65 CDN for a small piece of plastic is an outrageous price to have to pay..!!

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