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Upgraded CsC website and opportunity to support CsC with a one-time donation!


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Welcome to the new home of Club smart Car!


We have updated the forum software so that it is on the latest version and has security features such as HTTPS:// which is now the industry standard. We hope you will also notice faster performance.


If you notice anything not working correctly or if you have any questions, please comment in this thread.


This step is important for the continuity of this community. We are very grateful to those who have graciously run the website in the past, and we hope to keep Club smart Car going into the future.


Edited by smartzuuk
Edited title of topic to include opportunity to support CsC
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Long Live Club smart Car!


Thank you so much for making this transition possible Ashton! Now get that google ad revenue coming in so you can be the next tech billionaire! LOL.


Thanks also to Mike Tippett and Israel Ko for their involvement in the myriad of ways needed to make sure we had consensus from long time CsC members on the best way to navigate the various challenges before us.


I am still in discussion with the original owner of the two original CsC URL.


For transparency:


1) We are proposing to compensate them for the domain costs from the last approximately 8 years (2016 to current). 

2) We would like to acquire the domains with two people having access (neither of them being myself, FYI).

3) We have proposed in the interim, that the owner update the DNS nameservers with the information we have provided, and that we can sort out the other two domains at a later date, and at their convenience.


Hopefully we can get more people back on the site now that it will be functioning remarkably better. We'll work on a communications strategy for this soon, along with revising the forum layout and streamlining a few things. Some content and sections of the forums may get archived in read only format as we move forward.


Looking forward to seeing more folks here again!



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The two original URL: clubsmartcar.com and clubsmartcar.ca have now had updates, and they are working at the new hosting... clubsmartcar.com is the "primary" URL.


clubsmartcar.ca and clubsmartcarcanada.com both "point" to clubsmartcar.com. We took on clubsmartcarcanada.com in order to ensure we had the site updated and up and running, not knowing the timing of all the moving pieces..... (There were many moving pieces!)


Ownership of the two original URL is still held by the original owner for the time being


We're going to have discussion in due course about a potential "one time" e-mail campaign, to remind folks that we are in fact, still here, and that the site is updated and working!


We're also reviewing things like the "contact us" functionality, the approval process for new members (to weed out spam), as well as making sure the moderator list is up to date. You will see some discussions seeking input on some of the forum changes that will be contemplated.


General housekeeping really...  just so you are in the loop....


Again, a huge thank you to Ashton (Awesys) for tackling the site upgrades and actual "movement" of the site.


Also, a big thank you to Max (Flossythesmart), our previous webmaster, for his recent assistance, and for having looked after the hosting, Invision license and Google ads revenue which kept us afloat in the previous decade... 


And as well, TFM - a big shout out to you, for updating the URL today, and for getting this site and and running almost 20 years ago when we lost our home at "the other" forum of the day. Say "hi" to Xandria for us!!



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Thanks to the folks behind the scenes to make this possible.....I was very worried that if this hadn't happened the site was doing the way of the DO-DO.....unfortunately.
Things seem faster and crisper.  I can live with a few adds to generate some most useful funds to keep the site alive.  Christ if anyone can operate on FB or YouTube you can deal with a few adds here also....imho.

Again a big thanks to those who spent their hard earned time to get this done....hip hip.....

I have noticed I'm still a newbie....lol.

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We are all newbs, lol....


I cannot imagine an information based forum like this existing on a useless platform like Facebook (or Instagram). All serious communities exist with forums and organisation of them is incredibly important as they increase in volume of use.


We on the other hand, have the opposite issue now - we have a lot of forums, and declining use. There will be some changes, with member input of course, in order to help streamline the layout.


Where we're at now should likely carry us another decade. We switched to Invision at least a decade ago.... before that it was phpBB I think.


Speaking of costs - we may or may not be able to cover all costs with the google ads. More on that later. But in reality, it might take 15 people throwing in $25 each to cover us for a year... so prepare for that "huge" ask.... ;) We have some lump sum costs incurred and pending right now.

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1 hour ago, smartzuuk said:



Speaking of costs - we may or may not be able to cover all costs with the google ads. More on that later. But in reality, it might take 15 people throwing in $25 each to cover us for a year... so prepare for that "huge" ask.... ;) We have some lump sum costs incurred and pending right now.

I’m in for $25 if you need it.  The site has saved me that many times over throughout the years.



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I too will help fill the hat when the time comes.....as stated above, this site has saved me many times what you suggested....and I will argue it has saved almost everyone who joins the site the same...

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I will contact each person who has replied indicating that they are willing to put something in the hat we are passing around, once I speak with Ashton (Awesys) on the preferred way to he'd like to receive an operating fund donation....

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I have carefully moved all of the Regional Forums to an archive, each within their same sub-forum they were already in.... I will test the visibility of this with a different login shortly and make sure it is functioning as intended.


I will also be moving additional old/defunct forums to the Archives and making a few minor ordering and section changes to assist with the streamlining process. Again, each original forum will remain in it's own sub-forum once moved, in case we ever decide to move things around again.

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I am beginning to send out the particulars on how to make a one-time donation to help keep CsC operating, and to cover some current and pending expenses.


Ashton Wong will receive the funds on behalf of CsC. We're looking for around $400 at this time in total, so again, a suggested $25 donation by roughly 15 members will cover it. Ongoing expenses are hopefully going to be covered by some Google Ad revenue, and we will keep you up to date on that from time to time.


If you would like to make a donation, please reply in this topic, and I will get those instructions to you!



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