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Index File: How-to Directory Of Tutorials

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This index file was created to ease the process of locating a particular How-To:. If you write up a How-To:, or have one which you would like to see added to this list which is missing, please send me (Duck) a Private Message with the subject How-To:, and I'll add it to the list! Thanks!

General Maintenance/Basic Mods

[*]How-To: DIY Oil Change - Shung

[*]How-To: Add a Washer Nozzle to your Wiper Arm - Duck

[*]How-To: Add a Washer Nozzle to your Wiper Arm - MrGadget

[*]How-To: Fix a broken rear wiper sprayer - NJV

[*]How-To: Fit New Brake Pads - Evilution

[*]How-To: Remove the Cabriolet Headliner for Cleaning - Mike T

[*]How-To: Remove the Steering Wheel and Change an Airbag - Evilution

[*]How-To: Detailing 101 - Gent

[*]How-To: Change the Outside Mirrors - Speedie

[*]How-To: Paint the engine bay logo - SameGuy

Fabrication and Assembly

[*]How-To: Build a Snowboard Rack - Duck

[*]How-To: Build a Custom Minimoto Rack - Duck

[*]How-To: Install Canadian Tire Mudflaps - Duck

[*]How-To: Make a RichHelms Santa Hat for your smart - Awesys

[*]How-To: 451 Wipers on a 450 - Wheel Man

Electronics and ICE

[*]How-To: Garage Door Opener Button - SameGuy

[*]How-To: Invert Console Light Switch - smart142

[*]How-To: Install MDC Cruise Control - s_mack

[*]How-To: Make a new 12v Accessory Outlet - Duck

[*]How-To: Install a Deck, Amplifier, and Subwoofer - Duck

[*]How-To: Ignition-Free Window Module - Evilution

[*]How-To: Make the Side Marker Lights Blink - Duck

[*]How-To: Install OEM smart foglights - Mike T

[*]How-To: LED Lights in Axle Tube Ends - moipiero

Software Tricks and Hints

[*]How-To: Program your Scangauge to work on the smart cdi - smartzuuk

[*]How-To: Reset the Service Indicator - shung

[*]How-To: Turn off Daytime Running Lights - Adrian

[*]How-To: Turn on Sound Upgrade - I M SMRT

Edited by SameGuy
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